If TALI interests you, click on the button "I want to adopt it!", Select the first name of the doll " TALI " in the drop-down menu, fill in the requested fields and send your message from 6 pm.
Any e-mail received before 6 p.m. will not be accepted.
If your e-mail is the first that I receive you will receive within a few minutes - the time for the invoice to be edited - the total of your order and the paypal address to finalize the payment. (Remember to check your spam!)
The TALI announcement will be deactivated as soon as I have received a first email (During the last sales my interface took a long time to respond to the number of notifications received, deactivation can therefore take some time.).
The ad will be reactivated after the end of the sale and visible in "La Galerie".
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Pullip Full Custom by Polka Dolls Fabrics
" TALI "
TALI's eyes , nose , nostrils , philtrum and mouth have been sculpted
The make-up was protected with Tamiya TS-80 varnish
TALI was bought second hand in order to give it new life. I reworked over an already existing sculpt.
TALI will be sent without eyelids (the eyelashes hold by tape) and without push buttons .
TALI may have small flaws.
The price takes these faults into account.
The headback is signed
TALI will come without wig / wig
Custom eyes
Body stock mocha skin
TALI will come without clothes or accessories.
TALI will be sent with its little face protector in a cardboard box
Shipping costs and Paypal fees are not included in the price and must be added to the asking price for TALI .
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You can find the necessary information concerning the price of postage, Paypal fees, payment terms or the user manual in the sections located to the right of your screen (on computer and tablet) or at the bottom of the announcement (on smartphone).
• TALI • Pullip Full Custom
TALI sera disponible A PARTIR de 18 h ce lundi 26 Juillet 2021.
Si la poupée vous intéresse, cliquez sur le bouton " Je veux l'adopter ! " , sélectionnez le nom de la poupée souhaitée , remplissez les champs demandés et envoyez votre demande à 18 h.
Tout e-mail envoyé avant 18 h ne sera pas accepté.
L'heure du lancement de la vente se base sur l'heure réelle en France : LIEN .
Pour envoyer votre message à l'heure , veuillez vous reportez à l'heure réelle en France.
La disponibilité de la poupée sera modifiée et mis à jour dés que le paiement de la part de l'acheteur sera reçu.